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Fiverr Offline / Online System - All You Need To Know About It

By  Unknown     05:15     

Fiverr Offline / Online System - All You Need To Know About It

Fiverr is updating a new feature named as Offline/Online system. This feature will enable you to show yourself offline or online on Fiverr. I came to know about this feature through Fiverr Official Forum. We will discuss how it works and how it would be useful for Fiverr users.

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Fiverr Offline / Online System

Why choose Offline option? When you don’t want any type of message from any buyer or seller, you can use this feature and show you as Offline!  I will share two tutorials. One of them will be on How to use this feature on Mobile and the other one on the Web.

For Mobile Users 

First of all, download & Install the Fiverr android app. If you have already installed, just open it. You can also Download Android app by following the badge below!

Want to show yourself offline? Just click on “Go Offline” and that’s all.

In this way, you can enable the offline feature on Fiverr. You can turn Offline to Online by repeating the whole procedure.

For Web Users

On the web, it’s too different! While using Fiverr on the web, you may see Gray Color on the avatar. Just like you see in the snapshot!

If you see that Gray Color, it means that you’re Offline. Now, in order to show yourself Online, click on “My Profile”. You will see an “OnlineGreen Color Badge next to your avatar.

In this way, you can use Offline/online system on Fiverr Web!

Final Words

For sellers, it is better if they stay active. It can attract more buyers! You will be able to get more orders and sales. Also, never show yourself as offline. If you reply and interact with your buyers fast, you may turn buyers into clients. This was a little tutorial about Fiverr offline / online system. Hope you liked it. Happy Earning!

About Unknown

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