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How to Associate Adsense Account with YouTube?

By  Unknown     05:01     

How To Link Adsense Account With YouTube?

I’ve seen many people asking the question about how they can Associate Adsense Account with their YouTube channels. In other words, enabling monetization option on their YouTube videos, or enabling YouTube partner program on their channels, so they can make more money out of their YouTube videos. This is a very simple thing to do but a little tricky, because YouTube has hidden the option a bit, so new people can’t easily find it. However, I’ll show you it here step by step with screenshots.

How To Enable Monetization On YouTube?

In order to associate your Adsense Account with YouTube channel, you need to first enable monetization on your videos, for this, your YouTube account must be in Good standing and fully complying with YouTube policies and community guidelines. You must have at least one video which is originally created and uploaded by You. For enabling monetization on your channel, please follow the steps and screenshot below.

Sign In To Your YouTube Account

Click on the top right where you can see your picture, and then click the setting gear icon as showing in the picture below.
Now when you click this gear icon, please find the link which says “View additional features” on the bottom of the page and click that, as showing in the image below.
Now when you click this link, on the next page, you’ll see some additional features related to your channel and that includes the monetization option as well. You’ll see a page as showing in below snap.
Now here, you’ll have to click “Enable” Monetization, and your monetization on all videos (in most cases) will be applied. If you don’t see this “Enable” option on this page then it’s because your account is not verified by phone or your account is not in Good standing. In simple case, you should see this option, and when you see it then don’t wait to click it :).

How To Associate Adsense Account With YouTube?

After enabling monetization on your channel, the next step for you will be to associate your Adsense account with your YouTube channel so that you can start making money out of your videos, and can see your earning straight in your YouTube channel under “Analytics” option. After enabling monetization option, you’ll see one more link on the left side under “Channel” and that will be monetization, you need to click this option, and you’ll see a page like this.
In above screenshot, the option is highlighted, which you have to click in order to associate your Adsense account with YouTube channel. Just under the option “How will I be paid”, you’ll see a link “associate an Adsense account”, click that link, and it’ll take you to Adsense, just login to your Adsense account and associate your account with YouTube channel, it’ll automatically redirect you to your channel, and you’ll see a congratulation page for successful integration of Adsense into YouTube.
If you have more YouTube accounts and different channels then you can simply repeat this process again and link the same Adsense account with other channels. Your only one Adsense account is enough to link with as many YouTube channels as you want.
And lastly, if you have a non-hosted Adsense account then you can associate that with many channels on YouTube, but if you don’t have an Adsense account then you can create a “Hosted” account using YouTube, you’ll just need to click create a new account when you click the option under “How will I be paid“, at that point, you’ll register for a new account. But you can’t use that account on blogs/sites, that can only be used for YouTube channels.

About Unknown

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